ICRI-2PE with Barrett Communications at IWCE

The ICRI-2PE , radio interoperability gateway, is currently on display with Barrett Communications at International Wireless Communications Exposition (IWCE) 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Barrett 2090 ICOM F9011 Radio Interconnect
ICRI-2PE with Barret. Click to Enlarge.
Small, waterproof, battery operated and user friendly, the ICRI is capable of interconnecting radios operating on different frequencies (HF-UHF), platforms (analog/digital) or encryption schemes. 

Shown in this picture, the ICRI is connected to the Barrett 2090 HF and the ICOM F9011 radios.  This setup extends the range of the portable ICOM radio, via the Barrett 2090.


The ICRI-2PE, shown in this picture, is able to decode DTMF digits to remote control of the bridging of the two radios.

For more information on how the remote DTMF control works, visit our blog