Author Archives: eli

NorthComm Picks Key Terror-War Products

The selection underscores NorthCom commander Adm. Timothy Keating’s recent statements about coordinating operations with local agencies as the military takes the lead in responding to some major domestic terrorist attacks. North-Com is based at Peterson Air Force Base. Homeland Defense Secretary Michael Chertoff since has said his agency, not the Pentagon, would be in charge, […]

NORTHCOM Selects Interoperable Tech

Northcom, located at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo., is responsible for homeland defense and was established by the Joint Forces Command soon after the 9/11 attacks to address the new mission of civil defense. In CWID, Northcom conducted trials of 26 new technologies that foster interoperability between civil, military and coalition authorities, […]

TOPOFF 3 Use Radios from C-AT®

The congressionally-supported TOPOFF 3 exercise, with 16,000 participants, will simulate a large-scale, multipoint terrorist attack with a coordinated national and international response. Eleven participating agencies in New Jersey and Connecticut will be using “Incident Commanders’ Radio Interface” devices (ICRI) to provide radio interoperability for first-responders, and commanders to share information and enhance situational awareness. Communications-Applied […]

Army CSTs Receive ICRI

ICRI, developed by Communications-Applied Technology, will enable Civil Support Teams to communicate with the different radios used by local and state police, fire, public safety, homeland security and other first-responders. The 22-member Civil Support Teams are specifically trained and equipped to respond to weapons of mass destruction, and to test disaster sites for deadly chemical, […]

Army Units Achieve Interoperable Comms

The ICRI, a cigar box-sized device, typically takes less than five minutes to configure and allows commercial and military land mobile radios, VoIP equipment, satellite phones, cell phones, land-line phones and hybrid cellular/walkie-talkie phones to communicate. The Civil Support Teams–of which there are currently 32 nationwide–are trained and equipped to respond to weapons of mass […]

Interoperability SWEET

Having been immersed in the world of interoperable communications, I began to explore a solution that would achieve three specific goals based on desired outcomes and identified gaps. As you have read in many articles, the region in which I serve (the City of Charlottesville, County of Albemarle and the University of Virginia) has collectively […]

Radio Interoperability in a Box

The Incident Commanders Radio Interface (ICRI) allows a rapid communications link among military, state and local first responders. The unit, which weighs 3.5 pounds, links the radios and telephone using cables connected to each unit’s speaker and microphone ports. The interface does not include a microcomputer nor any interface to allow an outboard laptop to […]

C-AT® October 2011 Events

C-AT will be participating in the follow events during October: NJ’s First Communications and Command Vehicle Rally, Oct. 4th Nat’l Guard Joint Homeland Defense-Security Task Force (JHDSTF) Briefing, Oct. 6 Shanghai International Disaster Reduction and Security Exhibition, Oct. 13th