Monthly Archives: November 2013

Army Units Achieve Interoperable Comms

The ICRI, a cigar box-sized device, typically takes less than five minutes to configure and allows commercial and military land mobile radios, VoIP equipment, satellite phones, cell phones, land-line phones and hybrid cellular/walkie-talkie phones to communicate. The Civil Support Teams–of which there are currently 32 nationwide–are trained and equipped to respond to weapons of mass […]

Interoperability SWEET

Having been immersed in the world of interoperable communications, I began to explore a solution that would achieve three specific goals based on desired outcomes and identified gaps. As you have read in many articles, the region in which I serve (the City of Charlottesville, County of Albemarle and the University of Virginia) has collectively […]

Radio Interoperability in a Box

The Incident Commanders Radio Interface (ICRI) allows a rapid communications link among military, state and local first responders. The unit, which weighs 3.5 pounds, links the radios and telephone using cables connected to each unit’s speaker and microphone ports. The interface does not include a microcomputer nor any interface to allow an outboard laptop to […]

C-AT® October 2011 Events

C-AT will be participating in the follow events during October: NJ’s First Communications and Command Vehicle Rally, Oct. 4th Nat’l Guard Joint Homeland Defense-Security Task Force (JHDSTF) Briefing, Oct. 6 Shanghai International Disaster Reduction and Security Exhibition, Oct. 13th

ICRI®-2PE Deconable, Interop, Repeater

Extends radio communications for responders operating beyond normal signal coverage For quick-deploy use by security, fire, police, USAR and hazmat teams in: Subway tunnels and underground parking garages High-rise, shopping malls, airports Stadiums, arenas and casinos Ravines, caves, cliff-side operations Shipboard operations. The ICRI 2P-E (2 Port – Environmental) is a light weight, portable repeater […]